In 2022, Kangrui Environmental Protection will work together and forge ahead!

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As the main body of the market, enterprises are the carriers of economic power, the main participants in economic activities, the main providers of employment opportunities, and the main promoters of technological progress.

"China's economy has shifted from high-speed growth to high-quality development, which is a hurdle that must be crossed, and every industry and every enterprise must move forward firmly in this direction";

"Independent innovation is the only way to enhance the core competitiveness of enterprises and achieve high-quality development of enterprises";

"We must be brave in innovation, work hard, strive to be first-class, and make greater contributions to building a new development pattern and promoting high-quality development";

"Accelerate the construction of a number of world-class enterprises with excellent products, outstanding brands, leading innovation and modern governance";


Vibrant, more energetic. Energetic and full of stamina.

Do business without distractions

"Doing business and doing business is not just a matter of making a few bucks. It is our duty to do business without distractions" "We must hold on to the real economy, continue to work unremittingly, and climb the world's peak in a down-to-earth manner"

"The high-quality development of the manufacturing industry is the top priority of the high-quality development of China's economy. The foundation must be solid. "The general secretary's exhortation has strengthened our confidence and determination to engage in basic research and development, master core technologies, and promote the optimization and upgrading of the industrial chain."

Only by continuously developing and expanding the real economy can we stand firm, calmly and effectively respond to various risks and challenges, and lay a solid foundation for high-quality development.

Independent innovation climbs to new heights

"The basis of the Chinese nation's struggle is self-reliance, and the only way to climb the world's scientific and technological peak is independent innovation, and all enterprises must work hard in this direction" "Enterprises must develop, industries must be upgraded, and the economy must rely on independent innovation for high-quality development"

"Innovation is the first driving force to lead development";

"We must adhere to the road of independent innovation, have such a force, have such a firm belief and pursuit, and constantly make new breakthroughs in the research and development of key core technologies";

"Independent innovation is the life of an enterprise, and it is the foundation for an enterprise to climb over the hurdles and develop and grow. The key core technology must be firmly in their own hands";

Keeping in mind the entrustment of the general secretary, the majority of enterprises take the initiative to carry out technological innovation, management innovation, and business model innovation, and promote the transformation of Chinese manufacturing to Chinese creation, Chinese speed to Chinese quality, and Chinese products to Chinese brands.

-- In order to achieve high-level scientific and technological self-reliance and self-reliance, overcome difficulties and persevere.

"Innovation is the source of power for an enterprise, quality is the foundation of an enterprise, management is the foundation of an enterprise's survival, we must do a good job in innovation, quality, management, and always take the initiative in the fierce market competition";

"Innovation as the key to enterprise development and market success, core technology is not given by others, can not just follow others, but must strive for self-improvement, dare to break through";

"Products and technologies are the foundation of an enterprise";


Seize the opportunity to promote transformation

"We must firmly promote industrial transformation and upgrading, strengthen independent innovation, develop high-end manufacturing and intelligent manufacturing, and develop China's manufacturing industry and the real economy" "Grasp the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries with one hand, and grasp the development and growth of strategic emerging industries with the other"

——Standing up the "backbone" and climbing bravely, equipment manufacturing enterprises are moving towards the commanding heights and leaping to a new level.

Work together for the future

"The majority of enterprise workers should enhance the pride and sense of mission of the working class in the new era, love and dedication, work hard and dedicate, vigorously carry forward the spirit of model workers and craftsmen, and strive for everyone to shine in the struggle for the realization of the Chinese dream" "There will be no pie in the sky, and all achievements must be achieved through our common efforts"